Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 81

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 11
issue Number : 81

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 11، ، issue Number 81

Critical analysis of the structure and content of "Bibliography of Nezâmi Research"

Seyyed Ali Rezvani , Seyyed Javad Mortezaei (Author in Charge)


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Despite the network indexes that have accelerated and facilitated access to the research of each researcher, bibliography books are still a reference point for researchers. If the subject of such a book is studying Hakim Nezâmi Ganjavi"s poetry, the famous poet of the sixth century AH, which has a valuable place in Iranian and world literature, it will be more noteworthy.This study concentrates on the critical analysis of the bookBibliography of Nezâmi Research, written by Zeinab Nowruzi (2012). It explains its structural and content advantages and disadvantages and offers suggestions for its correction in the next prints.

METHODOLOGY: The theoretical framework of this research is Meta-critical which is a critique of critical works. The data gathering for this research is through library resources. Then these data were analysed by descriptive and analytical methods. The scope of studies, depending on the sub-topics., covers the structural and content dimensions of the book.

FINDINGS: The research findings can be described in two groups: advantages and disadvantages of the work. The advantages are as follows: The importance of the chosen subject; Clear period of the research zone, description of the main themes and sources of each article, critique of articles both structurally and in terms of content, mention of research influenced by each article, thematic classification of articles and their subdivisions, presentation of statistical analyses and inclusion of multiple indexes. On the other hand, the shortcomings are as follows: incomplete investigation of papers in the period of research and their reprint, error in the results of statistical analysis, error in observing the chronology of articles and the appropriate pattern for entering the year of publication, inaccuracy in recording the exact title of articles and authors and exact references.

CONCLUSION: The Bibliography of Nezami Research is a valuable book with many advantages that can be added to its scientific value by eliminating its structural and content defects in future editions.

Bibliographic Criticism , Bibliography of Nezâmi Research , Structural Analysis , Content Analysis

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